Just a quick (scheduled) post to wish you all a very merry christmas and I hope you all have a fantastic day whatever you are doing! It's a quiet one for me this year and I reckon I'll be having myself a wee christmas chinese tomorrow so think of me when you are all tucking into gorgeous christmas day dinners ;)
#bloggerschristmasparty | Quick look at the goody bag
Just a quick post today giving you a quick look at what I got in my good bag from the bloggers christmas party that I wrote about here. I've already started working my way through trying everything out so I'll be doing separate reviews of them in the coming weeks.
I have to say a massive thank you again to Paula and Scott for putting these together and thank you to all the companies that provided the products! I was lucky enough to receive a mixture bag, lovely healthy snacks and beauty products. How me!
Confession time, the metcalfe's skinny corn'ers packet is actually empty. I just couldn't resist trying them out and they did not disappoint! I'll be writing about them soon. I've also tried the Super!Natural juice which was delicious. The Kent's Kitchen Bengal Meal Kit hasn't been used yet but it will be getting used soon! I'm really looking forward to trying it out. The Braw bar looks and sounds amazing! And what a company name, braw!
I've got a couple argan oil products that have been sitting about the house for ages now that I just haven't got round to trying so getting this wee bottle and the hair treatment has made me realise I need to pull my bloody finger out and get using my stuff! The hair tie (I'm not 100% what they are called) is fecking amazing! It's getting put to good use when I'm at work. I'm looking forward to trying the 5 in 1 BB cream but I'm probably going to wait until we are into spring, I feel like winter is just too nippy for a BB cream, for me anyway. The CC cream however, I won't even be opening. I'm sure I've mentioned this before but I can tell if I'm going to be able to wear a shade of foundation/bb/cc cream by the shade name and number. As soon as I read biscuit I put it down. I already know it'll be far to dark for me. However, I'll be putting it into my ever growing giveaway box that I still haven't decided when I'm going to give away!
I've now got a couple of the Blanx sample tubes which is great as it's another toothpaste that doesn't make me heavy heave. I'm still lusting after the Intensive Whitening Treatment with the LED Bite so fingers crossed it's on sale after christmas or new year! I still haven't decided if I'm going to use the Palmer's Natural Bronze. Maybe I'll save it till we are due a bit more sunshine, although in Scotland that's not very often! I'm still quite petrified of any product that contains the word bronze.
I've saved the best for last. Not that I'm saying I like any of the other products less than these two but I was actually planning on buying the Santa Baby Lip Tint and Santa's Lip Scrub so I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw these two . Cannot wait to get stuck into both of these!
If you attended the party, let me know if you got some different products. Leave me links to your posts if you've written any!
Eye Of Horus Liquid Define Eye Liner
I was so pleased to be sent this wee parcel from Eye Of Horus. I'd received an email telling me all about their recent products and the liner looked fab! I figured I'd try it out as I'm starting to wear liquid liner more these days. Goal for 2014 - be able to apply liner without having to close my eyes or pull my eyelids to the side! Seriously, how do you guys (anyone that can do it) keep your eyes open and just line them perfectly?!
I digress, back to liner! I'd never heard of Eye Of Horus before but that didn't really surprise me, I'm sure there are hundreds of brands I haven't heard of before. I was immediately hooked by the name though. As soon as I read it, I was imagining blacks and golds for the packaging and boy did they come up trumps!
Look at it, it's so glorious looking! The only thing I don't like about the packaging (that you can see in the above picture) is that fingerprints transfer really easily onto it. If I hadn't been so grabby handy with it as soon as I got it, then I could have taken nicer pictures but I just can't help myself!
Eye Of Horus is an Australian makeup brand that is now available to buy here in the UK. You can find the stocked products on Cocktail Cosmetics. Personally I'm eyeing up the Isis Sun Goddess palette and the Teal Goddess liner. They look gorgeous! All Eye Of Horus products contain naturally derived ingredients and they aren't tested on animals so who can complain at that?!
The felt liner is so easy to use; it goes on great, it's very fast drying. Seriously, I swatched it on my hand looked away for literally two seconds came back to it and tried to wipe it off, this stuff was not for budging. I decided to leave it on my hand for the rest of the day to see just how long wearing it really was and I have to say, it got to the end of the day and it was still there with only a tiny bit of wear. That was on my hand as well so imagine how good it would still have looked on my eyelids!
Despite it bleeding a bit on my hand, when I applied it to my eyelids there was no bleeding, smudging, nothing! It's as if it just locked itself in and refused to move! Due to how long wearing and unsmudging it was, I thought this would be a total bitch to get off (They're Real, you feel me?) but it wasn't in the slightest! I thought I would be sat rubbing at my eyes with makeup remover soaked pads for 10 mins but a couple swipes and it was off, you couldn't even tell I was wearing any!
Remember my post about Social and Cocktail? (If not, you can find it here) I'd decided to try out the liner for the party and then put it's removableness to the test as I was up for work the next again morning at 6am! Considering the below picture was taken at the arse end of the night, I'd say the liner and the rest of my face still looks pretty damn good! Of course we can ignore the fact that my hair and bun ring clearly had a disagreement. Just my luck that I wouldn't notice until I put the pictures on the computer!
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I was feeling rather 60s(ish) with my liner and white lined waterline. |
Like I said above, you can find this on Cocktail Cosmetics and this liner only cost £13 which I was quite surprised at, I was totally expecting it to cost more. At least this means I might be able to afford it when the one I have runs out!
I think I'm going to have to have a Harry Hill-esque fight over which liner I love more. Eye Of Horus or Eyeko. What do you think? Have you tried this brand?
I actually received my SBN Secret Santa present a weekend or two ago and I was just so excited that I had to open it. Mostly I wanted to know who had got me as their secret santa! I was given a clue inside my extremely cute fox card and so I had narrowed it down to 4 or 5 people that I thought it could be. (My clue was that we met at the Lush Birthday Party).
How adorable is this! I'll definitely be using this to stash all my 9bars and bear yo yos in! I thought this was such a lovely way to package everything. Rather than putting it in a cardboard box or a big package, I really feel 'santa' went out of their way to find something useful instead. This will be loved for many a year to come!
I give my secret santa an 11/10 for effort. This was amazing. I was gobsmacked when I opened it all. They got everything right!
I absolutely love Montagne Jeunesse and this was actually one of their face masks I'd never tried so even more brownie points! I've since used it (Muj and I had a wee pamper evening recently) so I'll be writing up about it soon!
I am in love with this palette! I'd seen blog posts about this one before and the other ones never really appealed to me so I always had an eye peeled for this one but it was never in bloody stock so this was fecking fantastic to open! I'm really looking forward to trying out different looks using this gorgeous palette!
I'm still very new to the blush world, let alone the cream blush world but this colour is so lovely that I'm excited to see how it looks on my peely wally face! It's not too dark so I'm not quite running for the hills and as long as I blend blend blend, I won't look like a clown!
As I was opening these presents, I was thinking to myself 'boy this blogger must have read through most of my posts, face masks, more mua products for me to try' and for that, thank you! Since my last MUA post, I still haven't tried any new products. There's too much choice so when I go into a Superdrug I end up panicking and just leaving with nothing! These two products have now given me something to try without the panic!
This soap smells fucking delicious. There I said it. It deserved a swear, that's how good it smells. Apple is one of my favourite scents for, well anything really, so I was pleased as punch when I saw this wee tin in my healthy snack box. I'm currently working my way through a bar of Pear's soap so I haven't used it yet but as soon as the Pears is done, this square beauty will be taking pride of place!
To finish off, my secret santa got me some very tasty gold coins. Come on, what christmas present is complete without some sweeties?! I had to laugh at them sitting in my healthy snack box but it was only a wee bag.
I have since discovered that my secret santa was who I suspected, the lovely Alison from alleyhope. As she said in her card to me, we had met at the Lush birthday party and that was only a day or two before the present arrived! Were you secretly stalking me Alison? ;) I cannot thank you enough for putting so much thought into these gifts and I hope your secret santa was just as thoughtful as you!
Did you take part in the SBN Secret Santa? Leave me your links to your posts about it below!
9 Bar Original
I started buying 9bars a while back now (lazy blogger) and I need to rediscover them pretty soon as I haven't been the healthiest person recently. I figured if I wrote a wee post about them that it would inspire me to start buying them again on my Sunday shop with Muj.
What 9bar say: 9bar is a delicious way to provide an extra energy boost. It also provides a fantastic, tasty, guilt-free alternative when all you actually want to do is indulge. So why fill up on empty calories when you can get the nutritional boost that provides more sustained satisfaction?
What I say: These bars are freaking delicious! Just the right size, they keep you going in between meals and the carob topping is just enough to get your chocolate fix in. I love that they are gluten and wheat free so even those with intolerances can try them out. All together, the seeds, honey and carob work great together, lovely taste and when you're eating the bar it doesn't go all mulchy in your mouth.
I'm now sat here wishing I had some 9bars in the cupboard! Well my plan must have worked. I better make sure and re-read this post just before I go do my shopping!
You can also get 9bars in peanut, fruity, flax, nutty, organic and pumpkin. I'm up for trying all of them but I can probably guess that I won't like the fruity one. It'll have raisins or dates in it (yuck!) and I'm up for trying new things but I know for a fact I don't like either of those things so I tend to just steer clear.
Have you tried any of the 9bars? If you haven't, will you now? Let me know below!
#bloggerschristmasparty | Event
On Tuesday I attended the bloggers christmas party that the wonderful Paula and Scott organised. It was in October, which I'm told used to be called November, in Princes Square on the roof terrace. It was a lovely wee venue and I can definitely see me returning there in the future!
It was so great seeing everyone, I love events like this, it's just like one big catch up although this time there were christmas jumpers and mystery presents involved. The theme for the night was christmas jumpers and if you follow me on Instagram (aroseforepona) you'll have already seen my snazzy jumper.
Just a wee sneak peek at the goody bag as I'll be putting a post up about it in a few days letting you all know what I got.
I had a fantastic time on Tuesday, just a shame I missed all the late night partying and had to get the train home at 10.30! One of these days I will just stay at someone's house and we will paint the town red. Kirsty, I'm looking at you ;)
Tell me below about the last event you attended.
It was so great seeing everyone, I love events like this, it's just like one big catch up although this time there were christmas jumpers and mystery presents involved. The theme for the night was christmas jumpers and if you follow me on Instagram (aroseforepona) you'll have already seen my snazzy jumper.
I saw this in Primark and fell in love! Who wouldn't?! I'd worn it to the pub quiz a couple times and got a few funny looks, I even had one guy ask me if he could pour brandy over me and set me on fire. Thought that was a bit harsh, my jumpers no that bad ;)
I was so impressed with what Paula and Scott managed to pull off in their 3 weeks of organising! We were in this great venue, they had put together goody bags and had so many raffle prizes! The raffle was for The Rucksack Project which I think is a fantastic idea. I don't know how much money was raised on the night but I hope it brings at least some people some happiness. I didn't win any of the prizes but I'm happy I bought tickets and gave something back to the charity.
After the usual awkward mingling at the start of an event, everyone had their free drink courtesy of October and then some (I managed to find out the deal for the night was Woo Woos for £3 instead of £6, you better believe I was spreading the good word!). I kept walking about dropping into conversations and trying to chat with as many people as I could but as always I didn't get to speak to everyone!
I did however get to meet my beautiful wee khaleesi, Kirsty and I was beyond chuffed at that! We have been friends for quite a while through the internets. We actually met on tumblr, then followed each other on twitter then found out we both wrote blogs. She's definitely my sister from another mister.
One of the main reasons I loved the event so much, and bear with me, this is a positive. I felt huge. I've been really slacking on the healthy front recently and I felt a bit of a mess when I was there. But I didn't let it get me too down and I'm definitely using it for motivation! I will feel confident and sassy very soon.
Apart from saying thank you to Paula and Scott again, I think that's pretty much me so I shall leave you with photos from the night. If you were there, then leave me your links to your posts about the night!
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Lynn and I in our matching jumpers! |
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Khaleesi and I |
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The beautiful Amanda/honeypop and I |
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Morag, Laura, myself, Kirsty (khaleesi) and Jennifer taken from Paula's blog |
My lovely secret santa gift! No idea who it is from! |
Just a wee sneak peek at the goody bag as I'll be putting a post up about it in a few days letting you all know what I got.
I had a fantastic time on Tuesday, just a shame I missed all the late night partying and had to get the train home at 10.30! One of these days I will just stay at someone's house and we will paint the town red. Kirsty, I'm looking at you ;)
Tell me below about the last event you attended.
Amo Torta | Gluten and Wheat Free Delights
A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting up with Carolyn Ferri through in Glasgow. Carolyn is the founder of Amo Torta, a bakery that specialises in gluten and wheat free delights (among other intolerances). We met up outside Princes Sq and headed to the Starbucks just round the corner where I was treated to my very first Toffee Nut Latte (oh lordy they are amazing!) and we got down to the chatting/very informal interview.
Amo Torta translated from Italian to English simply means, I love cake. I love that. It's such a simple name but let's be honest, how many times have you said 'I love cake'. I know I say it often enough. The company was started in April of this year and is growing more and more as the days go on.
After Carolyn and other members of her family developed intolerances to gluten and other products due to health complications, they tried supermarket 'free from' ranges only to be disappointed. There wasn't much in the range to choose from and they just didn't taste the same. I can imagine how disappointing that would be. Caroyln took this matter into her own hands and started experimenting in the kitchen. Taking recipes from her gran and cookery books, she started adapting them to suit those with gluten/wheat intolerances. Taking these experiments out and asking people to try them alongside their gluten filled brothers and sisters to see if they could tell which one was which. Personally, I think this a great way of finding out if your product is a good un!
Amo Torta is gaining momentum within Glasgow, Carolyn has attended Granny Would Be Proud (GWBP, vintage, fashion, arts, design and craft fairs that aims to promote small, independent creatives), various farmers markets, the very well known Sloans Market (held every Sat and Sun 11am-5pm running from Buchanan Street to Argyle Street, a must for anyone who loves to buy from independent traders!). You can also find Amo Torta products being sold in Roots and Fruits in Argyle Street and Snugglemuffin on George Street, who knows where else in the future! ;)
Before we parted ways, I had to ask what the bestsellers were, I can't help it, I'm nosey! At the stalls and farmer markets it tends to be the caramel shortbread, nutella brownies and cupcakes. At the coffee shops it's more the lemon and poppyseed cake, carrot cake and empire biscuits. Caroyln very kindly gave me a wee box of treats to take home and try for myself. Inside my goody box was a gingerbread man, a slice of carrot cake and a slice of coffee and walnut cake. I tried all three of them despite not being a huge fan of carrot cake and hating most things coffee flavoured. They all tasted amazing! I doubt I would have been able to tell the difference between them and other cakes with gluten in them. They were moist and the flavours were amazing! I can definitely see me trying more of Carolyn's bakery treats in the future!
Amo Torta translated from Italian to English simply means, I love cake. I love that. It's such a simple name but let's be honest, how many times have you said 'I love cake'. I know I say it often enough. The company was started in April of this year and is growing more and more as the days go on.
After Carolyn and other members of her family developed intolerances to gluten and other products due to health complications, they tried supermarket 'free from' ranges only to be disappointed. There wasn't much in the range to choose from and they just didn't taste the same. I can imagine how disappointing that would be. Caroyln took this matter into her own hands and started experimenting in the kitchen. Taking recipes from her gran and cookery books, she started adapting them to suit those with gluten/wheat intolerances. Taking these experiments out and asking people to try them alongside their gluten filled brothers and sisters to see if they could tell which one was which. Personally, I think this a great way of finding out if your product is a good un!
Amo Torta is gaining momentum within Glasgow, Carolyn has attended Granny Would Be Proud (GWBP, vintage, fashion, arts, design and craft fairs that aims to promote small, independent creatives), various farmers markets, the very well known Sloans Market (held every Sat and Sun 11am-5pm running from Buchanan Street to Argyle Street, a must for anyone who loves to buy from independent traders!). You can also find Amo Torta products being sold in Roots and Fruits in Argyle Street and Snugglemuffin on George Street, who knows where else in the future! ;)
Before we parted ways, I had to ask what the bestsellers were, I can't help it, I'm nosey! At the stalls and farmer markets it tends to be the caramel shortbread, nutella brownies and cupcakes. At the coffee shops it's more the lemon and poppyseed cake, carrot cake and empire biscuits. Caroyln very kindly gave me a wee box of treats to take home and try for myself. Inside my goody box was a gingerbread man, a slice of carrot cake and a slice of coffee and walnut cake. I tried all three of them despite not being a huge fan of carrot cake and hating most things coffee flavoured. They all tasted amazing! I doubt I would have been able to tell the difference between them and other cakes with gluten in them. They were moist and the flavours were amazing! I can definitely see me trying more of Carolyn's bakery treats in the future!
You can read more about Amo Torta on the website and you can also follow/like on Twitter and Facebook. If you are in the Glasgow area, I totally recommend you pop down to Snugglemuffin or Roots and Fruits to try some for yourself!
Naturalmente Shampoo and Conditioner | Review
A few weeks ago, I was very kindly sent this shampoo and conditioner from Amazing PR (thanks guys!) and this is me just getting round to writing about them (sorry!) I was waiting till I used up my last shampoo and conditioner combo. Although I don't know why I waited, my old shampoo was specifically for blonde hair and my conditioner had been sitting in my drawers for quite some time. However, wait I did and as soon as the conditioner was done, I threw the shampoo back into the drawers, probably to die a slow, unused death and got these two out to give them a go!
Naturalmente Rosemary and Lavender Purifying and Detoxifying Shampoo. This is aimed at people with medium to thick textured hair and those with an oily scalp or oily with dandruff affected hair. With Rosemary, Lavender, Eucalyptus and Sandal, this smells quite nice. Not too perfumey or overpowering, just enough for you to say 'ooh'. I found that this shampoo didn't lather up as much as other shampoos I've used but then I thought this gave my hair a better scrub than previous shampoos. I felt like it was getting right into my scalp and hair and giving it all a good clean!
Naturalmente Yoghurt and Millet Revitalizing and Intensive Conditioner. This is aimed at all hair textures and for those with chemically treated or dry hair. This contains essential oils of mint, lemon and eucalyptus with yoghurt protein. This smelled amazing! I must have sat for about ten minutes for sniffing it, so nice! This is a nice thick conditioner so I felt like I didn't need to use that much of it
After using both of these together and blowdrying my hair (I must remember to buy heat protecting spray/serum/whatever!) I felt like my hair was properly clean, free of any product and build up and it just felt healthy. I've used both of them twice and I think I can probably get another 2-3 used out of each 50ml bottle. In the past I probably would have used up each bottle in one shower, I used to just slap on as much as I could but I've since learned that less in more, especially with my hair! The more product I use, the quicker my scalp get greasier. I learned the hard way but I got there in the end!
Full size of the above and the rest of their range, which cater to all hair styles and textures are 250ml and are only £9, I can definitely see me buying these full size in the future! You can find out more about Naturalmente and the rest of their products on their website, naturalmenteuk.co.uk. You can purchase online and they are also available in some salons across the UK and Ireland.
Alanagetshealthy will have healthy hair one day soon! Inner and outer health in a nice wee balance, yes please!
I was not asked to write this review by AmazingPR or Naturalmente.
Spotlight On: Gracie Francesca/Uglyfaceofbeauty
Welcome to a new series I've decided to start on my blog called Spotlight On: basically these posts will be small interviews with bloggers, youtubers and anyone else that I feel inspires me when it comes to weight loss and being healthy. They aren't massively long but I think it'll be nice to get different answers from people that inspire and motivate me.
First up is the beautiful Gracie Francesca who is known as uglyfaceofbeauty on YouTube (her channel is here) and she has a blog as well at graciefrancesca.com I love Gracie, I've followed her YouTube for about a year now and I've been following her blog since she started it in August of this year. What you see is what you get with Gracie, she won't pretend to be something she is not. She's honest and to the point but she's also ridiculously nice and not bitchy when it comes to her opinions and thoughts.
I sent Gracie off an email asking if she would mind answering some questions for me to write up this blog post and she very kindly agreed (obviously, or I wouldn't be writing the post!). So on with the Q&A!
Welcome to a new series I've decided to start on my blog called Spotlight On: basically these posts will be small interviews with bloggers, youtubers and anyone else that I feel inspires me when it comes to weight loss and being healthy. They aren't massively long but I think it'll be nice to get different answers from people that inspire and motivate me.
First up is the beautiful Gracie Francesca who is known as uglyfaceofbeauty on YouTube (her channel is here) and she has a blog as well at graciefrancesca.com I love Gracie, I've followed her YouTube for about a year now and I've been following her blog since she started it in August of this year. What you see is what you get with Gracie, she won't pretend to be something she is not. She's honest and to the point but she's also ridiculously nice and not bitchy when it comes to her opinions and thoughts.
I sent Gracie off an email asking if she would mind answering some questions for me to write up this blog post and she very kindly agreed (obviously, or I wouldn't be writing the post!). So on with the Q&A!
1. What made you decide to lose the weight?
I was painfully unhappy with who I was and my weight played a huge part in that. I just wanted to be healthy & happy. Its a HUGE part of my life now.
2. What were the initial changes you made to your diet/lifestyle?
I was suffering from mental health problems, so to start with I went into a 6 months treatment programme for that. Therapy made me realise, my weight played a huge part in my unhappiness so I decided to make a change. I joined a gym & began weight watchers.
3. What did you find the most difficult?
Trying to balance my entire life with eating healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle. I try to do everything all the time & then my health takes a back seat. It sucks!
4. How did you motivate yourself if you were having a rough day?
My subscribers help me a lot with my crappy days but music and inspirational words help me a lot too.
5. Did you use any tools to help (myfitnesspal etc) ?
No - I know whats healthy now. I follow a lot of health pages on instagram though.
6. How much weight have you lost and do you plan on losing any more?
I have lost just over 4 stone and I would like to lose another 3. Apparently my lightest weight for my heigh is about 9.5stones. That is just too slim for me. I think I would like underweight, but you never know haha.
7. What tips would you give someone looking to lose weight/ be healthier?
Do it for you & it is never too late to become what you have been. Health is so important & you won't ever regret changing your life. GOOD LUCK!
Gracie has also written a blog post on her weighloss journey (it's the first post on her blog!) and you can find that here. As I said earlier, I love Gracie and whenever I'm having a bit of a shit day, reading one of her posts or watching one of her videos totally cheers me up. Gracie covers fashion beauty, mental health and is also a very funny woman! My favourite video of hers has to be this one and I hope you love it as much as I do!
I totally recommend you go check out Gracie's video and/or blog posts depending on what you prefer. Big thanks to Gracie for answering my questions and if you have any suggestions for other people I should get in touch with regarding this series, let me know below or email me at alanagetshealthy@gmail.com (if you yourself would like to take part as well, feel free to suggest yourself!)
Sorry for the change in font, I don't know what happened and I have no idea how to fix it!
Social and Cocktail | The best night in you could have!
Here at alanagetshealthy towers, we're allowed some time off and 'rest' (I've been having some time off for quite a while now though!) It's ok to have a break and cut loose so when I was contacted by Social and Cocktail and asked if I would like to throw my very own cocktail party, of course I said yes! So on Friday just there, a corner of my livingroom was turned into the very snazzy bar you see above.
The website http://www.socialandcocktail.co.uk/ is absolutely jam packed with everything you could want to know about cocktails whether you want to check out recipes (there are over 1000) or what bars in your area are highly rated; it's the place to go to get some cocktail knowledge! My favourite part of the site is the 'What's in your fridge' feature. You put in what you have to hand and you will be shown what cocktails you can make. Very handy if you're not too boned up on ingredients and don't fancy a 'what the hell' cocktail!
Everything is included in the Social and Cocktail Event, the bar, bartender, glasses, ingredients, ice, stirrers; everything you could possibly need and the best part you ask, all the mess is cleaned up and taken away so you don't have to deal with anything after the party is over. I don't know about you, but I dread the morning after the party tidy up.
On the night Damien and Patrick showed up to get set up and typically we weren't ready when they got here! As they got on with the moving furniture and setting up of the bar, we rushed about getting ready and in no time at all our first cocktail was being expertly prepared! Being that this was a cocktail party we decided to dress up for the event and as you can see, I am a top notch poser...
I thought my trusty floor length ball gown was appropriate attire, plus I always feel utterly fabulous when I wear it! I'll say what I'm sure we are all thinking, I wouldn't make it as a fashion blogger! Also for anyone wondering, that's not a real cigarette in my hand but my wee electronic cigarette that comes in very handy (especially when there is alcohol involved)
As part the cocktail party package, before your actual party, you can choose five cocktails to be made up on the night from their pre-selected menu of 25 cocktails (do not fear though, you get more than 1 cocktail each!) Plenty choice for everyone! As the party was going to be in the flat, I thought it would only be fair to ask Muj (my flatmate and bestie) to help choose the poison! The menu is split into five options; Dessert, Vodka, Rum, Classics and Non-Alcoholic. We decided to go with 1 Dessert, 2 Vodka and 2 Rum.
Clockwise from left we have the Toblerone Martini, Cosmpolitan, Raspberry Mojito, Strawberry Daiquiri and Sea Breeze.
Toblerone Martini is made with Baileys Irish Cream, Kahlua, Frangelica, a dash of honey, cream and chocolate powder. This by far was my favourite for the night, so creamy and so freaking delicious! I'll definitely be making these myself one day or at least attempting to!
Cosmopolitans contain Citrus Vodka, Triple Sec, Cranberry Juice, squeezed lemon and sugar syrup. The ultimate Sex And The City cocktail. This is the drink we started our night off with and I think it was a great first choice. Nice and refreshing, not too heavy and the perfect beginning of our soiree!
The Raspberry Mojito had White Rum, Raspberry Liqueur, lime juice, soda water, superfine sugar, raspberries and mint leaves. This was my first jump into the mojito pool and I have to say it was excellent! Crisp and fruity, a new firm favourite.
Strawberry Daiquiris, well can you guess the fruit they come with? As well as strawberries, we have Bacardi Rum, Strawberry Liqueur, lime juice and sugar syrup. For me this one was a bit too bitty. I'm not a huge fan of bits in juice, drink whatever, I don't know what it is. I still gave it a go though and it was a really nice flavour. I will try it again one day I reckon.
Finally Sea Breeze, with Vodka, cranberry juice, grapefruit juice and a lime slice. I'm not going to lie, I didn't like this one all that much. I think it was the grapefruit juice but it was too bitter for me.
The night was absolutely fantastic and I'm so happy that the girls showed up (of course they did, free alcohol!) I need to say a massive thanks to Damien and Patrick for going out of their way and making the trek through to Grangemouth for the party as they are based in Glasgow; look out for future expansion to other cities though!
To finish off this mammoth post, I'll leave you all with some more photos of our shenanigans!
If you are in the Glasgow area and fancy having a cocktail party of your own, don't hesitate to check out the website. Five cocktails for £25 per person, not really a price you can sniff your nose at! Considering the prices you'd pay in the city for the same quality cocktails I know what I'd rather choose!
Thanks again to Social and Cocktail for the fabby night and hopefully I'll be using their event package again in the future!
*I was provided this party for free by Social and Cocktail, all opinions are my own.
FOTD | #scotstreetstyle Harvey Nics Movember | Event
I can't remember but I don't think I've done a FOTD post before on here. Decided to use yesterday's shenanigans to break that! I attended the Harvey Nics Movember event organised by the lovely G at Scotstreetstyle. You can find out more about Scotstreetstyle over on their twitter, facebook or tumblr. G is doing such a fabby job building this great community. I'll be writing up an actual post about the event soon so today it's just to show you my face (before all the free gin!)
Products used:
- NYC Smooth Skin Perfecting Primer Shade 684
- Yves Saint Laurent Touch Eclat BR10
- MUA Cover & Conceal Fair
- Seventeen Pressed Powder Nicely Natural
- Hi-Brow Eyebrow Powder Dark Brown
- Fashionista Blush Palette Custom Design Blush Milan
- Eyeko Skinny Mini Liquid Eyeliner Black
- Maybelline The Mega Plush Volum' Express Mascara Very Black/Noir
- Nivea Volume Shine Lipstick Pure Diamond 66 Mauve Parure
I was quite proud of this face. I'm not the greatest person at makeup so when I saw how it all looked at the end I was quite chuffed with myself! I was especially pleased at how the eyeliner worked out. I'm still a total noob when it comes to liquid liner and tend not to use it that often; however I love the clean lines you get from it as opposed to a pencil (I know gel is an option as well but it falls under the liquid category for me - I'm rubbish at it!) so I will be using it more to get used to it and perfect my wings! I got the Eyeko as a freebie in a magazine but it's just so good that I think I'll be repurchasing it when it runs out!
Unfortunately it's still phone pictures which aren't the clearest of things but I suppose it's better than nothing! Now that I'm getting into a good life routine, I think I might try and do a FOTD maybe once a week. Gives me a chance to try things out and show you all as well!
Things are looking up!
This is pretty much all my news right now but it's fabulous news!
I turned the big 25 on Friday and celebrated it in a very drunken fashion! Plenty shots and a mahoosive hangover the next day. I usually pride myself on the fact that I don't get hangovers so I don't know if it was the copious amount of shots or the fact that turning 25 has now led me to get hangovers but it was brutal and I do not fancy suffering like that again!
After getting over the mystical hangover I received a phone call inviting me to an interview so of course I said yes! Luck was not on my side after that phone call however, I then developed the worst sore throat I can imagine, started hacking up my lungs, got really sore pains in my ears and sneezed more time in an hour than I think I have my entire life. I felt like a bag of battered crap! I sent myself to bed as my interview was at 9am the next morning.
My wish of getting a good nights rest and waking up feeling better was dashed as I woke up every two hours coughing or being absolutely freezing because I moved 1mm but I still managed to get up for my interview (albeit 20 minutes before it actually started although I still got there 5 minutes early.) Due to still feeling horrendous I didn't see any point in trying to throw makeup on to make myself look better so I went au naturale and really didn't think I'd have a hope in hell of getting it. I did explain to the interviewer how rubbish I was feeling though.
My worries of not getting the job were soon quelled however as the guy interviewing me ended with "I'm not going to beat around the bush. Do you want the job, it's yours" I then of course accepted and like the tit that I am, high-fived him. Why am I allowed outside?
Anyway, Monday rolled in and I decided to weigh in. I wasn't expecting anything great as it was my birthday weekend, plenty alcohol and naughty foods. I was fully expecting a huge gain. Imagine my delight when the scales told me I had lost 1.8lbs! What a great start to my week! I had already told myself that after my birthday weekend, Monday would be restart day so this was just the thing to perk me up for it. Let's not lie, if you say you're going to start on a certain day, weigh yourself and find you have gained weight, it makes you feel like crap (and sometimes you feel like it's not worth restarting, but it is!) then other times you find you've lost some weight and it just sets you up to continue!
To finish my turning 25 being awesome, I had my trial shift this morning at my new work basically to just show me the ropes, what I should be doing etc and although it was at 7am I was up, had breakfast and was out the door for ten to. I will enjoy living this close to work! It might take a while to get used to the early starts (my shifts will be 6.30-9am, eeesh!) but I am so bloody thankful to have even gotten a job let alone one that is less than 5 minutes walk from my front door!
Things are on the up and I feel great for it. I knew this move was the beginning of good things!
How has your week been? What's the best thing to happen? All about the positivity right now!
Quick life update
In case you haven't noticed, I'm getting back into the swing of blogging. About bloody time too! I love blogging, from researching products and trying them out to the painstaking task of getting the photos just right (I know what I like!), from hours of reading other blogs and tweets to pushing that publish button . I don't do this for the followers or the page views, but let's not lie, everyone loves getting some comments on posts and people interacting with you but mostly I do this for me. It makes me happy and it doesn't matter if I have 5 readers or 5000 readers, as long as I keep doing what makes me happy, anything else is a bonus!
Unfortunately I'm still trying to unpack and get the flat sorted out with Muj so posting won't be on a regular schedule but just the fact I'm trying to get something written down is making me feel so much better! To be perfectly honest I've felt a bit lost not being able to write anything. I have a fair few ideas for posts I'd like to do in the future and although I seem to been leaning heavily on the beauty side I will be getting back into health and fitness. I've been eating quite horribly since we moved because we don't have a routine for anything yet and I've just been lazy but I have been working on getting back into my healthier eating habits. Vegetables are your friends! I did put some weight on but then I got ill (I've had gastroenteritis the past week but think I'm getting over it all now) and I seem to have dropped those extra pounds gained.
Combined, Muj and I have enough exercise gear to open up our own gym so I'm not short on equipment, it's just motivation and space I'm lacking in! We are working our way through all the boxes though and once that's all finished we'll have space to haul out whatever we want to use that day and get on with it! My Aunt very kindly gave me her exercise bike and I've been after an exercise bike for ages so I'm really excited to get using that. Also, Muj has an air glider and I absolutely love them so that'll be getting used too!
I don't quite know how to describe my mood/mental state recently. I've had a couple down days but they were different compared to in the old flat. I think it's maybe because in the old flat I had so many bad memories to dwell on and in this flat I don't really have any memories yet so when my mood dips it doesn't really have dark places to go to just emptiness, which I suppose is better.
The main thing I'm going to focus on just now is getting this place looking fabulous, getting my eating back on track and I'll commit to at least one blog post a week until I'm properly back on track.
Apologies for rambling away, just wanted to get a wee update out there. I'll see you soon!
Unfortunately I'm still trying to unpack and get the flat sorted out with Muj so posting won't be on a regular schedule but just the fact I'm trying to get something written down is making me feel so much better! To be perfectly honest I've felt a bit lost not being able to write anything. I have a fair few ideas for posts I'd like to do in the future and although I seem to been leaning heavily on the beauty side I will be getting back into health and fitness. I've been eating quite horribly since we moved because we don't have a routine for anything yet and I've just been lazy but I have been working on getting back into my healthier eating habits. Vegetables are your friends! I did put some weight on but then I got ill (I've had gastroenteritis the past week but think I'm getting over it all now) and I seem to have dropped those extra pounds gained.
Combined, Muj and I have enough exercise gear to open up our own gym so I'm not short on equipment, it's just motivation and space I'm lacking in! We are working our way through all the boxes though and once that's all finished we'll have space to haul out whatever we want to use that day and get on with it! My Aunt very kindly gave me her exercise bike and I've been after an exercise bike for ages so I'm really excited to get using that. Also, Muj has an air glider and I absolutely love them so that'll be getting used too!
I don't quite know how to describe my mood/mental state recently. I've had a couple down days but they were different compared to in the old flat. I think it's maybe because in the old flat I had so many bad memories to dwell on and in this flat I don't really have any memories yet so when my mood dips it doesn't really have dark places to go to just emptiness, which I suppose is better.
The main thing I'm going to focus on just now is getting this place looking fabulous, getting my eating back on track and I'll commit to at least one blog post a week until I'm properly back on track.
Apologies for rambling away, just wanted to get a wee update out there. I'll see you soon!
Specs Appeal
My attitude to glasses has changed so much over the years. I've been wearing them since the age of 7. At first yeah they were novel and exciting but as I grew up a bit I hated them. The frames you got in the 90s didn't have a patch on frames these days!
I rocked the Harry Potter specs for quite a few years and clearly I've always been fabulous.
I could go days, weeks or months loving the fact that I wore glasses then other times I would simply hate them. I'm still like that today. There are some days where I wish I could just have laser eye surgery and be able to wake up with 20/20 vision. That's just a pipe dream though and not because of the cost; due to the problems in my eyes, I couldn't get laser eye surgery even if I wanted!
Contact lenses are always an option, I tried them at 16 and loved them. Didn't mind touching my eyeballs all that much but at 16 I didn't really want to faff about taking them out at night and putting them back in in the morning. Quite often in fact I would fall asleep wearing them and wake up thinking I'd been healed in my sleep!
So for now, I have come to accept that glasses and I should be pals and this is where the lovely people over at Specspost come in. They gave me the option to choose three frames to try out and then very kindly said they would put lenses in my favourite and send them back to me!
I've not sent the frames back yet because I just can't decide which pair I like the most so I'm taking a poll to see what everyone else prefers and hopefully that will help me make a decision!
(We are still on phone photos. I will find that bloody cable!)
First up we have the Fleet Street Twin Tone Clear and Black Retro. These are a bit smaller than I thought they would be but I still love them. They are totally different from what I would normally go for. Louis made me giggle as when I was trying them all on he said these reminded him of men from the 60s, personally I feel a bit Dame Edna Everage in them and that's no bad thing! I can't decide if maybe they are just a touch too small for my face or not but I really like how they look.
Next up are the Shuffle Black glasses. Again these are a bit different from what I would usually go for. For years now I have stuck to chunky rectangular frames so it's nice to try out something new! I love these frames on and so does Louis (he says they remind him of Laura Prepon from OITNB). Sometimes I think these frames are a bit too harsh against my oh so delicate features but then again I think I could pull them off.
To slightly stick with tradition I also chose some square/rectangular frames and these are the Hawaii Nights Duo Two Tone Geek Glasses. This picture doesn't really show off the two tone very well (curses to you camera cable!) but the bottom half of the rim is a dark olive green colour. I really don't like this whole 'geek' thing that's been happening the past wee while, I mean I used to get bullied for being a 'geek' and now it's cool and hip? But I just couldn't resist these glecs, these ones are a bit bigger on my face than I thought they would be but I think they still look good.
So now it's over to you guys, which pair do you think I suit the most? Leave me your comments below and hopefully I'll decide on a pair with your help!
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