Hello blog readers! First off, I must apologise for my recent absence, I've been working non stop and basically been working then going to bed! Secondly, I have not been all that healthy since I started my new job. I've been eating fast food, junk food, easy food. Well no more! I'm 'back on it' today, I've put on nearly 2lbs in the couple weeks I've been at this new job!
I went for my usual Sunday night shop with Muj yesterday and as usual we hit the reduced to clear section like ravenous beasts and came away with a full trolley! After I got home, I portioned off some of the food in an effort to stop me pigging out and eating it all at once.
I'm getting Sky tv and internet put in soon so I'll no longer have to rely on my neighbour's and I'll hopefully be able to get my computer up and running. I also got a new phone and a free tablet with it so I have all the technology to blog, instagram, tweet, etc! No excuse now, except for work of course. Haha. Once I've figured out a good routine, I'll probably use my spare time to schedule blog posts. I've never been good at that old routine business but I'll give it a go!
So right now, I'm really not feeling well. If you follow me on Twitter you will probably have seen me moaning about it. I'm really faint, dizzy, nauseous and just generally run down. Hopefully I'll get an emergency appointment with the doctor tomorrow, fingers crossed!
Once I'm back on top form health wise, I'm going to get back into doing my Wii Fit, I've not done it once since I started my new job! Might try 30DS again as well.
I'm going to be posting much more regularly these days, maybe not every day but at least once a week! Still a mixture of everything, healthy, beauty, diet, fitness. Hope you enjoy it!
And now to end, have some pictures I've taken on my way to and from work.
Until the next post. Smile, love life!