I tried to go shopping today for something to wear to a wedding on Saturday, I was having a really good day until I started trying the clothes on. After being in such a good mood after getting my size 14 Pure dress that I wore in my
ootd gay pride post, I was geared up and ready to attack the shops and find something fabulous.
I failed miserably. Every shop I went into, I found at least one great dress. Tried it on and then left each shop feeling more and more dejected. They didn't fit, my boobs warped the dresses, the fabric clung to my belly making me look pregnant or they just looked bloody stupid on my body.
After an afternoon of this feeling mounting and my mood entering foul territory, I marched off to Savers and came back with some goodies. Goodies that don't care if I have huge hips, a big belly or a big fat arse!
Because I don't have enough candles and incense. Mulled wine has to be one of my favourite candle scents even though I've never tried mulled wine!
I've never tried any anatomicals products so I'm looking forward to giving it a wee go! Read a fair few reviews of their products and they have mostly been good things so fingers crossed.
I love this wee blurb on the back of the packet, are all their products like this?
I love my Face Food, and these are definitely my favourite. I used to hate peel off face masks when I was younger but the older I've got, the more I've loved them! I don't use them regularly though, only now and then.
Like my new Jacko gloves? Nah, I've never tried moisturing gloves so I'll be slathering my hands in one of my many moisturisers/creams and sleeping in these. I'll probably wake up with one on the other side of the room!
I really need to stop buying lip products and use all the ones I have first but I couldn't resist these! I love flavoured products for my lips so these butters were right up my street!
They all smell divine, even the chocolate one (I'm not usually that big a fan of chocolate scented things) I'll probably start with the raspberry. Let's see how long it takes me to lose these!
Who doesn't like nice smelling stuff! I've set this up already and can already smell it, it's wonderful! I was going to go for vanilla but I thought 'hey alana, get a scent you don't usually get, live outside the box!'
Can never have too many BBs, CCs, tinted moisturisers, etc so say hello to the latest in my collection. The thing that made me stop was the fact that it was ultra light, it's like they created a shade just for me!
At first I thought it looked really dark and orangey but it blended fabulously! Can't wait to try this on my fizzog.
Much like BBs, CCs and tinted moisturisers, you can never have too many face masks! I like having lots of different types of face masks as I have combination skin; always prepared! This smells divine. Cucumber is one of my favourite face product scents, it just smells so fresh!
I didn't leave this on my hand long enough to dry , just wanted to see how it blended. Also keeps it as a surprise for when I do actually use it.
My last item has to be, quite possibly my greatest charity shop find EVER.
So for those of you looking at this thinking it's some kind of weird sex toy, fear not! It's called a gorilla pod and it's a tripod stand for my camera. Now that I no longer have to balance my camera on piles of books, I might actually make some youtube videos!
Back to the dress hunting, one of my friends mum has actually sent me 2 dresses in the post that (should) arrive tomorrow so I'm praying one of them looks good. If by some freak chance I'm having another one of those days that I hate my body, my friend Juta has a fabulous dress that she has said I can also borrow.
I think the reason I'm getting so bent out of shape about what to wear is because this is my first wedding that wasn't family. The first of my friend's to get married (first that's invited me anyway) and so I am bleeding terrified but so excited as well! I'll be sure to take my camera and get plenty pictures!