Welcome to a new series I've decided to start on my blog called Spotlight On: basically these posts will be small interviews with bloggers, youtubers and anyone else that I feel inspires me when it comes to weight loss and being healthy. They aren't massively long but I think it'll be nice to get different answers from people that inspire and motivate me.
First up is the beautiful Gracie Francesca who is known as uglyfaceofbeauty on YouTube (her channel is here) and she has a blog as well at graciefrancesca.com I love Gracie, I've followed her YouTube for about a year now and I've been following her blog since she started it in August of this year. What you see is what you get with Gracie, she won't pretend to be something she is not. She's honest and to the point but she's also ridiculously nice and not bitchy when it comes to her opinions and thoughts.
I sent Gracie off an email asking if she would mind answering some questions for me to write up this blog post and she very kindly agreed (obviously, or I wouldn't be writing the post!). So on with the Q&A!
1. What made you decide to lose the weight?
I was painfully unhappy with who I was and my weight played a huge part in that. I just wanted to be healthy & happy. Its a HUGE part of my life now.
2. What were the initial changes you made to your diet/lifestyle?
I was suffering from mental health problems, so to start with I went into a 6 months treatment programme for that. Therapy made me realise, my weight played a huge part in my unhappiness so I decided to make a change. I joined a gym & began weight watchers.
3. What did you find the most difficult?
Trying to balance my entire life with eating healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle. I try to do everything all the time & then my health takes a back seat. It sucks!
4. How did you motivate yourself if you were having a rough day?
My subscribers help me a lot with my crappy days but music and inspirational words help me a lot too.
5. Did you use any tools to help (myfitnesspal etc) ?
No - I know whats healthy now. I follow a lot of health pages on instagram though.
6. How much weight have you lost and do you plan on losing any more?
I have lost just over 4 stone and I would like to lose another 3. Apparently my lightest weight for my heigh is about 9.5stones. That is just too slim for me. I think I would like underweight, but you never know haha.
7. What tips would you give someone looking to lose weight/ be healthier?
Do it for you & it is never too late to become what you have been. Health is so important & you won't ever regret changing your life. GOOD LUCK!
Gracie has also written a blog post on her weighloss journey (it's the first post on her blog!) and you can find that here. As I said earlier, I love Gracie and whenever I'm having a bit of a shit day, reading one of her posts or watching one of her videos totally cheers me up. Gracie covers fashion beauty, mental health and is also a very funny woman! My favourite video of hers has to be this one and I hope you love it as much as I do!
I totally recommend you go check out Gracie's video and/or blog posts depending on what you prefer. Big thanks to Gracie for answering my questions and if you have any suggestions for other people I should get in touch with regarding this series, let me know below or email me at alanagetshealthy@gmail.com (if you yourself would like to take part as well, feel free to suggest yourself!)
Sorry for the change in font, I don't know what happened and I have no idea how to fix it!