
I made my own soup

I don't know why but I always think of chicken noodle soup when I feel ill. By some luck, I bought a sachet from Asda from their Simmer Soup range. Quite low in everything apart from sodium which was to be expected really.

As I'm currently not feeling well in the slightest, I had chicken noodle soup on the brain! So I wrapped up warm and slowly shuffled through to the kitchen to make it up. I also chopped up some cauliflower and chucked that in too. All in all, a tasty wee lunch for my sick wee self.

The packet says it makes a pint, in bowl equivalents it was 2 and a wee bit left over. 

It was actually really tasty, maybe not a contender for the same soup from a Chinese takeaway but if you're looking for a quick snack or lunch without the calories that come from a takeaway, then they are perfect!


  1. I'm not sure I could stomach that when I'm ill! Soup is always a wonder cure though. Get better soon x

    1. It's worked (along side the Lemsip Cold & Flu, feeling better than I was earlier but still awful!

      Thank you, I hope I do, I want to exercise!

  2. Whatever you should do, avoid Weight Watchers Chicken Noodle Soup. It resembles... Well, it's liquid sadness is what it is.

    The most powerful cure is actually a simple homemade twist on chicken soup, the elixir of health; healthy proteins like lean chicken, turkey, ham or white fish like basa, Coley, haddock or tilapia, stock for taste, kale or spinach for iron and vitamin c, and drink some skimmed milk alongside. It's the protein/iron/vit c/calcium combo that's a healing power punch!

    1. Yeah I do tend to avoid 'diet' foods (although there will be a post up in a few days on a Weight Watchers product!).
      Ah that sounds delicious! I'll definitely be giving that a go. Thanks :)


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