Today is my favourite kind of post to read so I quite enjoy writing them too, I just don't always have the money to spend! I recently won a £20 Topshop giftcard from Allie on a giveaway that she ran on her blog Rush & Teal (you should totally go check it out by the way! She writes about fashion, style and beauty and has such a fabby wee blog!)
I've written about Topshop before here, in which I talk about finally fitting into some of their clothes however, I knew as soon as I stepped into the Topshop on Argyle Street in Glasgow that I wouldn't be using my giftcard to get any clothes. I was in the frame of mind that I knew if I tried clothes on I would get disheartened and it would totally knock me. Instead I headed straight to the jewellery and makeup part of the shop. So what does £20 get you in Topshop?

First thing I picked up were these wee bracelets. I was at the jewellery stand for a fair wee bit before finding stuff I actually liked. For example, I'm not really into big dangly earrings, bit too Pat Butcher for me and I am so done with the crosses on everything trend. Not a fan in the slightest. After getting past all those, I saw these wee bracelets and just thought they were too cute! These are really positive words so I thought it would be great for if I'm having a bad day, I can look down at my wrist and feel a bit better!

I thought these socks were just too cute to pass up! Now that it's getting into A/W, all the berry and plum shades are coming out and those are my favourite colours! Clothes wise anyway, I've still not mastered dark eye looks without looking like I've been punched! I'll get there one day. Until then, clothes it will be!
I think I only have 1 lip pencil and it's not a very good quality one so I though I should maybe start branching out and getting some. As you can see I went for Deception, a lovely dark red shade. Due to inexperience with lipliner, I had no idea what to expect but this was a dream! So soft but still gives you a nice precise line.
I'd asked on Twitter the night before what other bbloggers would buy if they had the giftcard, it was almost unanimously decreed that their lipsticks were a big hit! I'd heard about them from other bloggers, in particular Zoe from Zoella but I always thought £8 was a bit much for lipstick (I'm still way too much of a cheapskate at heart!) but I decided that seeings as I had won this money that I should go on and treat myself!
Treat myself I did! I went with the shade Depth and have no regrets, I love everything about it. Totally worth £8 and I will be buying more in the future. It's just deciding which ones to get next that's the problem!
After Topshop I decided to head into Primark, there isn't one in Falkirk so if I'm ever near one, I have to go in! I didn't really have the greatest experience in this Primark, the shoppers were just so rude! I tried to put that aside though and just get on with having a rummage and nosey :)
I recently subscribed to a youtube channel called Katie's Chatting and saw her talking about these handbag organisers in her What's In My Bag video. I've always known about handbag organisers but they've always been ridiculously priced. Remembering Katie talking about these I kept an eye open whilst perusing the rails and finally saw them, reduced to £2! You can bet that went straight into my basket, well it would have done if I picked a basket up. I actually ended up using this as a basket as I already had my handbag and a bag with a 2ltr bottle of water in it (gotta stay hydrated!)
These earrings were just too pretty to pass up. My favourites are the hearts, stars and little birds. As anyone with hair long enough to put into bobble will know, they like to disappear! So I now have 40 and some headbands too. I thought these would be good for when I'm exercising, cleansing my face or doing face masks.
I finally caved and got some midi rings! My main influence for this has definitely been Paula of The Brantastic Life, her last couple posts have featured midi rings and my curiosity got the better of me! The ones on my middle finger are two separate rings but I thought they looked quite nice bunched together as well.
Another lipstick! D: This smells amazing and was totally worth the £1 price tag ;)
I got these socks in preparation for starting C25K, I've got no excuse now! I have shoes, clothes, socks and hairbands. I'll keep you posted on how I get on with it D:
How fabby are these jammies?! As soon as I saw them, I knew I was buying them. Kitty Purry. COME ON! They were a steal as well at £3 and the icing on the cake? They are a 14-16! Primark sizes are always a bone of contention with me. I once bought a packet of knickers in a size 20-22 and I couldn't even get them on without ripping them! I was an 18-20 at the time as well.
The lace leotard (it is a leotard isn't it?) is a size 16 but is still a touch too small (those weird sizes creeping in again!) but give me a couple months and it should hopefully fit! I got it to stick under sheer tops (when I buy some) or vests for another layer of warmth.
Aaaaand I'm done! I'm very pleased with all my purchases and I'm looking forward to the lace leotard fitting me! I'll keep you updated on that.
What are you top buys from Topshop and Primark just now?
I'm still yet to try a topshop lipstick! they always have such great colours
ReplyDeleteordaining serendipity
I never get a chance to get into Topshop these days and am dying to try their lipsticks so I'm a bit jealous right now!!
ReplyDeleteAnd primark is the best place ever for jimmyjamies and cute underpants for lazing about the house in like a slob in nothing but.
Jen x.
primark is a hit and miss for me , either the stuff doesn't last or i get loads of wear
ReplyDeleteI have been loving their american style football shirts recently and love their chunky knitwear and jammies.
I recently bought socks from primark too and i buy the bobbles too hehe
Great buys! Loving the pj's and jewellery :D I was in by Primark here in Aberdeen a few weeks ago and saw plenty of things I wanted, just a shame I was on a tight budget. Hopefully I'll get a shop in the next month or so to stock up on some autumn/winter stuff! Not into summer fashion so much ;)