
Moma! Porridge | Eating my Degustabox

Remember these wee pots from last months Degustabox? Well a couple of weeks ago, Muj and I were both up at breakfast time so we decided to try them out. It's very rare we are both up at the same time and even rarer if it's still breakfast time. Muj has four jobs and now that I've started mine, our hours are all over the place and unless we are both off at the same time, we don't get to see each other all that much.

I've probably mentioned before but I struggle with breakfast. If it's still really early I can't face eating anything but if I leave it too late it's time for lunch! I'm always on the hunt for breakfast foods so if you have a suggestion that isn't toast or cereal, I'm all ears!

The pots were so easy to make up, boil the kettle and fill to the line. Just like a Pot Noodle but you probably won't feel as guilty after eating these! I stuck with the original flavour and Muj tried the cranberry and raisin one. Despite trying some orange infused raisins from Graze I'm still very anti-raisin!

As you can see Muj put just a little bit too much water in hers and miraculously I put in just enough! We were both in a bit of a hurry the morning we tried these so we couldn't sit down and enjoy them properly but they were delicious! I managed to eat about 2/3 of mine but just couldn't finish the rest. I certainly felt the benefits though, I had so much more energy and it filled me up until lunchtime! Now that the days are longer and the weather is better however, I don't really want to eat hot porridge in the morning, to me it's an autumn/winter brekkie so I probably won't be rushing out to buy these again but once the darker colder days swing around I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for them.

Have you tried Moma? Will you try it now?

Alana x


  1. I loved mine too! did you get the mornflakes this month? they were yum!

  2. Yum, I love oatmeal!
    How about protein shakes for a quick breakfast? It's really nice on a hot summer morning if you blend it with frozen berries.

  3. You can also soak oats in juice eg fresh orange juice overnight for a cold sweet version Would be ready & waiting for you on a busy morn & big bag oats is cheap! & like you say very filling!


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