
Hello! Long time no see!

So the move was a lot harder than I thought it would be, I've been exhausted since. Sleeping pattern is all over the place as well so that's not helping matters. One minute it's 10am and I'm falling asleep, the next it's 3am and I'm wide awake!

Mary-Jane and I haven't got round to all the unpacking. We have done some but it doesn't look like we have! Mary-Jane's sister went into labour 5 weeks early and I've contracted gastroenteritis so it's a bit of a mad house right now. I'm hoping to get some energy back soon so I can get on with more unpacking.

I'm looking forward to getting better and getting this place sorted out then I can get back into blogging again. I have so many posts I want to write up, I just don't have anywhere to take photos yet and I haven't unpacked my camera yet!

All in good time though so thanks for sticking with me!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, it sounds hectic around your new place. I hope you settle in and recover soon!


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